The seventh-generation ESC straddle carriers feature electrically controlled engines, which reduce exhaust emissions and reduce fuel consumption. They also feature an improved automatic container search system, which ensures greater care in the handling of containers and allows for more precise operations. MSC Gate Bremerhaven’s sensitive location close to a residential area means that the noise isolation capabilities of the ESC440Ws are also paramount, according to Kalmar.
Kalmar has also received a further order from Australia’s Patrick Corporation, part of Asciano Limited, a recently listed transport infrastructure company. Patrick’s latest order comprises ten three-high CSC350 units for its East Swanson Dock facility in Melbourne and five three-high EDRIVE ESC350 units for Port Botany in Sydney. All 15 straddle carriers, due for delivery by the end of this year, will be supplied with twin-lift spreaders capable of lifting 50 tonnes.
Patrick Corporation is a long-time user of Kalmar straddle carriers, with 24 already in operation at Port Botany and 28 at East Swanson Dock. The company also operates 23 Kalmar EDRIVE straddle carriers at its Fisherman Islands automated straddle carrier (AutoStrad) terminal in Brisbane. All straddle carriers in this latest order will be delivered ready for future automation.
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