The budget represents a 35% increase over the previous year’s spending plan and is driven by the Port’s ongoing commitment to reduce air pollution through, for example, its port truck replacement and retrofitting programme and plug-in, shoreside power for ships at berth. Another factor in the increased spending is an initiative to reduce outstanding debt.
“This is a strong budget that reflects the Port’s aggressive commitment to environmental stewardship,” said Richard D. Steinke, the Port’s executive director. “It aligns closely with our strategic plan and, through debt reduction, will further strengthen our financial outlook.”
Environmental projects in the budget for fiscal year 2007–08, which begins October 1, include nearly US$37m to begin replacing and retrofitting the oldest, dirtiest trucks among the 16,000 rigs serving the ports of Long Beach and Los Angeles. The money is part of the San Pedro Bay ports’ five-year, US$200m commitment to the Clean Trucks Program. The budget also includes US$26m for shoreside power projects and other environmental technologies to improve air quality.
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