Domestic cargo accounted for 59m tonnes (+3.5%) and foreign trade for 167.3m tonnes (+2.3%). Exports grew by 6.8% to 49.5m tonnes, the highest total since 1989, and imports rose by 0.8% to 107.8m tonnes. Major beneficiaries of Germany’s waterborne commerce are Dutch and Belgian seaports such as Rotterdam and Antwerp, where much cargo is transhipped between inland vessels and ocean-going ships. Transit cargoes accounted for the balance.
Cargoes carried on inland waterways in 2007 included rock, soil, ore, scrap metal, solid fuels, petroleum, iron, metals, animal feed, fertilisers and finished and semi-finished goods. Intermodal transport accounts for a major part of the activity on the inland waterway system, recording a total of nearly 2.14m teu in 2007, up from 2.1m in 2006.
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