igus was selected from a total of 500 suppliers. Explaining their decision, the IMA jury said, “We have never had a supplier before that has helped us so quickly and competently in such a straightforward way.” The energy chain and cables specialist stepped into the breach during a technical problem with data transmission via fibre-optic cables.
igus Energy Chains Systems manager Michael Blaß, who received the certificate together with his colleague Wolfgang Bombeck, said, “2008 was an extremely challenging year in terms of delivery performance, with excellent growth rates month after month. This makes it all the more important to make sure that customer satisfaction is 100% too.”
igus has more than 70,000 energy chain products available ex-stock. Completely pre-harnessed energy chain systems have been produced at its Cologne plant since 1994. Companies like IMA Klessmann are assembling systems themselves less and less often these days, for reasons of cost, and such tasks are increasingly being shifted to suppliers such as igus. The systems are delivered just-in-time and ready for installation, which saves storage costs and reduces assembly effort.
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