As a result, work rules, wages and benefits have become the most contentious issues that need to be hammered out if a new master contract is to be agreed before the September 30 deadline.
\”I\’m not sure how the ILA can expect a final offer when we have been unable to engage in any comprehensive negotiations for a new contract, including economic issues,\” James Capo, chairman of the alliance wrote in a letter in response to one received at the end of August from Harold Daggett, the ILA president. In his letter, Daggett had described the alliance’s position as \”gutting wages and benefits\”.
Negotiations between to the two organisation had started in late July, with both sides claiming that significant discussions had taken place and substantial progress had been made on “critical items of importance\”. These had included terminal automation, chassis pools, wages and benefits. Although agreement had been reached on automation and chassis work, talks broke off between the two parties on the issue of wages and benefits.
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