Kalmar and Global Service are currently working on a prototype, which is expected to deliver significant environmental benefits. The prototype is expected to be ready at the end of October 2013 when GREENCRANES staff will be invited to assist in the test phase. A public demonstration of the prototype will then take place on December 4, 2013 at the Port of Livorno.
The project’s pilot phases are:
- Design of a reachstacker that adopts alternative environmental compatible fuelling, dual fuel (LNG- diesel) powered engine
- Integration and realisation of a prototype according to the design
- Functional testing of the prototype
- Pilot of the prototype and analysis of performance in a real port container terminal
GREENCRANES, Green Technologies and Eco-Efficient Alternatives for Cranes and Operations at Port Container Terminals, is a project involving three European member states: Spain, Italy and Slovenia and co-financed by the EU Trans-European Transport Network. It aims to study and define methods and measures of container terminals’ energy profiles, analyse different eco-efficient technologies to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions whilst increasing their productivity. It also aims to carry out pilot deployments of different potential solutions and disseminate the results to as many port container terminals as possible and define standards that support the swift investment in these technologies across Europe.
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